Monday, December 8, 2014

Yoga Photo Shoot

                Now that I'm a little bit more comfortable with sharing my personal thoughts with you         
                                                   here are some of those thoughts now.

I was recently in a YogaWorks photo shoot. It came to my attention that if one was at least 200Hour YogaWorks Certified  they could be involved in a number of things. So I got involved and there I was up before sunrise. 
                                                             Dressed in my Yoga best. 
                                                                   Noah with a sitter. 
                                        Me. Driving in the pouring rain to Santa Monica. 

Taking risks and putting myself out there has been my life for a while now. I was nervous and when I got there I felt like I was an amateur compared to the more seasoned teachers but,wow, it felt good to be called a model. A word, I might add, that I never thought I would be called in my entire life. I only wish I volunteered for more poses I knew I could do. I wish I wasn't so timid. In first time experiences I tend to watch and listen more that anything else. 

It was hard to not be self-conscious  when being told how you should look for the photos. I am so used to not making Yoga about aesthetics and more about the personal journey it takes me on. By the end I was able to take something away from it even though that part was hard for me. To not sweat it. To keep smiling and to have fun.

I was disappointed when getting there and trying to speak to the other teachers. I was thinking that surely we have this beautiful love of Yoga in common so we have a connection. Some were sweet but others were terribly pretentious and too serious. Yes, we are all serious about Yoga but it's about bliss, happiness, and love. I once heard a teacher that I look up to say that if you can't smile through your practice you are taking yourself too seriously...or you need to breathe. 

At first I thought I was wrong by how smily and talkative I was. Wrong by being there because I was younger and less experienced. No, the truth is I should smile through it and not let insecurity change me or scare me away from something as fun as this.
Anyway, thank you for reading my random train of thought. I hope it helped someone out there who feels too small, young, old, inexperienced, or goofy to put themselves in a new situation.